Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
According to my Goodreads account, I started reading Felix Ever After about a week before it's publication date. I was so excited to have been given the opportunity to preview Callender's new work and I dove right in. Then I bailed. I was 30% into my digital ARC and could not stand how immature Felix was. I think the stir-craziness of the lockdown may have affected my patience with books at the time. Fast forward 9 months or so and the book is one the selections for this year's #24in48GroupRead. Since I had finished reading King and the Dragonflies earlier this year, I decided to trust Callender since they have not let me astray yet. I am writing this with less than 50 pages to go before I finish the book. I writing this because I am motivated by a sense of guilt for not trusting Callender, which I know how ridiculous this is for I have never met the author and they are completely unaware that I bailed on what is perhaps the most personal of their books to date. I am writin...